Toppings That Make Plain Yogurt Actually Taste Good

Toppings That Make Plain Yogurt Actually Taste Good

Whether you buy it at the store or make it at home, yogurt is a great way to get healthy probiotics, it adds protein to smoothies, it goes great with Indian food, and it is a kid-friendly source of dairy. However, the store-bought flavored yogurt is usually full of so much sugar, sometimes more than ice cream. Some people may enjoy the tart taste of plain bacteria-laden yogurt and find it… invigorating. Most of those people, wherever they be found, are usually not children. My kids won’t eat plain old yogurt but they eat it by the carton when I put these toppings on to sweeten it. These ideas won’t give you a zero sugar yogurt but they will make the plain yogurt taste actually good, and you are in control of how much sugar you are actually getting. 

raw Honey

Honey is one of the sweetest elements found on earth, and is also good for you. It is almost entirely sugar. However, it is much healthier than the notorious high fructose corn syrup, or even something that sounds more natural, like organic cane sugar. Raw honey is more of a natural food than the refined white sugars you find in processed foods such as Chewy bars, Oreos, and of course, Go-Gurt.  

sweeten plain yogurt, honey with yogurt, raw honey, healthy sweetener

Berries & cinnamon

blueberries, spoon, fruit-4886896.jpg

Any fruit is a good source of natural sugar in my book, and I don’t try to limit my kids on fruit. For lower sugar, berries are a good choice as far as fruit goes. Blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries add nice color to plain yogurt, just enough to make it flavorful and take off that bitter edge. Cinnamon goes well with the blueberry flavor and also helps lower your blood sugar. I really like this with granola.

real Maple Syrup

Another natural sweetener, pure maple syrup pairs very well with yogurt. I especially like to put it in the Ninja with yogurt and blend it into a sweet yogurt drink. Maple syrup has a slightly higher glycemic index than honey, meaning it raises your blood sugar less, and 


fruit cup with 100% fruit juice

how to sweeten plain yogurt with fruit juice to make it taste good

Some fruit cups, like mango or peach, have cut up fruit pieces just like you find in the store bought fruit on the bottom yogurts, 100% fruit juice syrup (not a sugary syrup or a “lite” syrup, which are not natural). 

Strawberry Jam

Depending on what kind of jelly or jam you buy, this can be a healthy way to add both fruit and sugar. The natural kinds of jam are very similar to what they add into the more natural yogurts, but you can regulate how much you are putting in and get the most out of it. You also can make your own jam on the stove with sugar and berries.  

Hersey's Chocolate syrup

So obviously chocolate syrup is by no means low sugar or keto friendly, however, it is a good last minute option if you get up one morning and realize you have a batch of plain yogurt without any usual sweeteners to spice it up, my children are very happy when I tell them they can put some chocolate syrup.