Condense Your Spice Jars with Four Easy Seasoning Recipes

Condense Your Spice Jars with Four Easy Seasoning Recipes

I like to combine my spices to avoid too many jars in my cabinet. It also saves time to only have to pull out one jar instead of four or five. These are not some kind of specific recipe for a specific dish, but are rather a general combination that gives the food a certain vibe. I recently heard a YouTube chef say he never, ever uses dried basil and you never, ever should either because it’s not as good as fresh, and my Indian friend’s mom told me once to only, ever use fresh ginger, and if that’s your preference, it definitely does add a more “real” flavor, but the purpose of this is that when I am in a hurry or don’t have the luxury of fresh basil and ginger, I don’t have to make some bland dish, I can get the flavoring I need in a split second. And personally, I think it turns out pretty good. So that’s that. 

Indian Food Seasoning

One part turmeric

One part garlic powder

One part onion powder 

One part ginger

One part cumin

One part cinnamon

One part cayenne


2 parts garam masala

One part garlic powder

One part onion powder 

One part ginger

Chinese food seasoning

Two parts garlic powder

Two parts onion powder 

Two parts ginger

One part paprika 

One part sesame seeds (optional)

Italian food seasoning

One part basil

One part oregano

One part rosemary

One part garlic powder

One part onion powder 

Mexican Food Seasoning

One part paprika

One part garlic powder

One part onion powder

One part red pepper flakes

One part salt 

With these four spice jars in my cabinet, it saves so much room and time to have them ready! It also looks tidier and helps simplify the thought process when I’m cooking. I do keep a couple singular spices on hand at times, like parsley or cinnamon, but using this method makes my pantry feel neat and organized, instead of half a million spice jars crowding the space.